EMOTION results in the award of a double Master degree in two of the three Partner Institutions
(UPO and UMH or UNamur), according to the mobility path chosen by the student. 


The title awarded is:

UPO: Master di Primo Livello European Master of Science in Skin Health and Care

UMH: Máster Europeo en Cuidado y Salud de la Piel

UNAMUR: Master en Sciences Biomédicales Finalité Spécialisée en Recherche Clinique.

In addition, a joint diploma supplement is included and provides the grades and ECTS achieved in each component of the double degree together with the explanation of the Program.

Do you have any questions?
E-mail us, we will be happy
to get back to you


EMOTION results in the award of a double Master degree in two of the three Partner Institutions
(UPO and UMH or UNamur), according to the mobility path chosen by the student. 


The title awarded is:

UPO: Master di Primo Livello European Master of Science in Skin Health and Care

UMH: Máster Europeo en Cuidado y Salud de la Piel

UNAMUR: Master en Sciences Biomédicales Finalité Spécialisée en Recherche Clinique.

In addition, a joint diploma supplement is included and provides the grades and ECTS achieved in each component of the double degree together with the explanation of the Program.

Do you have any questions?
E-mail us, we will be happy
to get back to you

Last modified: December 4, 2023

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in the context of managing the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters, collects and processes the personal data of some of the candidates. In particular, certain data of the scholarship holders and non-scholarship holders is shared with the Agency and treated according to this privacy statement